Some of the more critical concerns in housekeeping and house care today are utilizing pollution reduction systems and carbon emissions control. There is a determined effort being made towards enforcing such ‘green’ sensibilities in almost every home, all over the world.

Stay-at-home spouses and housekeepers would rather buy products that are eco-friendly and non-toxic or hire a cleaning service in New York that make use of such products for cleaning. While the rates might be a trifle higher than a regular cleaning service in New York, it is a small price to pay for environmental protection and preservation.
The LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) ratings system for houses and buildings is one of the newer efforts homeowners and developers in New York are applying at the construction level itself. Houses built on these standards only have to be accredited with a verification expert and can be implemented by just about anyone.
Another way to ensure that your house is satisfactorily green is to make use of housekeeping products as mentioned earlier. Paints that are VOC-free (Volatile Organic Compounds), wood that is better at preserving thermal levels in the house, recyclable materials for home insulation, etc. are some good options you could consider while going green.
Even if you would rather hire a cleaning service in UK or New York for housekeeping duties, make sure they use only eco-friendly products and methods for your home. Do not hesitate to do your bit for the environment- you have a host of options and opportunities available.
Image Courtesy: Flickr
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